Beberapa Fakta Menguap Wajib Anda Tahu

Menguap artinya mengantuk, itulah anggapan yang di berikan orang-orang ketika melihat orang lain menguap. Anggapan mengantuk seperti itu sering di berikan kepada orang yang sering menguap. Padahal, menguap belum tentu itu di sebabkan oleh kantuk.

Beberapa fakta yang muncul mengenai menguap justru mengungkapkan hal yang tidak pernah kita ketahui. Apa saja ya? Mari kita bahas.

1. Menguap adalah pertanda tubuh memerlukan oksigen

Saat karbondioksida yang terdapat dalam darah meningkat, tubuh akan membutuhkan lebih banyak oksigen yang masuk dalam tubuh untuk mengurangi karbondioksida dalam darah. Cara tubuh untuk mendapatkan oksigen lebih banyak adalah dengan menguap.

Menguap merupakan refleks alami tubuh untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak oksigen untuk darah. Di saat yang bersamaan, gendang telinga dan saluran pernapasan akan terjadi peregangan.

2. Menguap bisa menular

Beberapa orang terutama kamu pastinya pernah merasakan yang namanya menguap secara bersamaan dengan teman atau orang terdekat kamu. Ketika di sekitar kita terdapat orang yang sedang menguap, secara tiba-tiba kita juga merasa ingin ikut menguap seolah-olah sedang tertular. Hal ini bukan hal yang tabuh. Menguap memang bisa menular, terutama untuk sebagian orang yang memiliki kedekatan sosial. Bahkan hal ini akan semakin parah jika orang tersebut memiliki kedekatan emosional.

3. Menjaga suhu otak

Sama hal nya dengan mesin, otak manusia juga akan terasa panas jika di gunakan terus menerus. Cara tubuh untuk menjaga suhu otak adalah dengan menguap. Selain memberikan pasokan oksigen tambahan, menguap juga menjadi salah satu pertanda bahwa tubuh kita sedang berusaha untuk mengoptimalkan konsentrasi. Oksigen yang masuk saat menguap dapat mendinginkan otak. Suhu otak yang stabil bisa membuat kita kembali berkonsentrasi kembali dan dapat menjalankan aktivitas dengan baik.

4. Menguap bisa menjadi pertanda suatu penyakit

Tanpa kita sadari, ternyata menguap yang merupakan refleks alami tubuh ini malah bisa menjadi pertanda dari suatu penyakit dalam tubuh. Menguap akibat kekurangan pasokan oksigen adalah hal normal, namun jika terus menerus menguap justru harus segera di cek. Hal ini bisa menjadi pertanda adanya suatu penyakit seperti kelelahan, gangguan pernapasan, hipotensi, stroke, dan penyakit jantung.

How to Choose a Casino Online

In the world of online casinos, bonuses are an integral part of their marketing strategies. A casino may offer bonuses for deposits, while games may entice players with in-game prompts to spend more money than they had planned. Another type of bonus is a loyalty bonus, which rewards players for spending a set amount of money. This type of bonus can be tier-based and may be in the form of money, credit, free tournament entries, event tickets, or even merchandise.

Safe online casinos

When choosing an online casino, you should consider the payment methods available. The safest online casinos accept payments through major credit cards. These types of payments are easy and fast, and they often come with no fees. All you need to do is enter your card number in the Cashier section of the casino, and you’re good to go! However, if you want to withdraw your winnings quickly, you should use other methods. For example, you can choose to pay with a voucher code. This method of payment provides increased security for your winnings.

Identifying rogue sites

There are several tips for identifying rogue casinos online. It is important to choose the right casino, and avoid playing at those that offer poor quality customer support. Also, you should avoid playing at any casino that does not have a live chat option. This type of support service is not worth your time. If you find it, move on to the next step. Identifying rogue casinos online is easier than you might think. You just need to use the information provided by other players to help you make your decision.


Several types of deposits are accepted by gambling sites, including credit and debit cards. Credit cards, issued by Visa and MasterCard, are widely accepted, but not everywhere. Although many casinos also accept Diners Club, it isn’t as widely accepted as a credit card. These deposits are processed instantly and winnings are usually released to the same account. However, certain card providers might block your transactions, so be sure to check the casino’s policy before depositing.

Withdrawing winnings

The amount of time required for withdrawing winnings from casino online can range from just a few minutes to a few days. Though most transactions are automated, a significant portion of them still require manual processing. You will want to use a method that will expedite your withdrawal process, such as a web wallet. There are also a number of reasons why you might experience a delay in withdrawing your funds from a casino online.

Sign-up bonuses

Casino online sign-up bonuses are offered to new players as a way to get free money to play games. These bonuses can come in the form of free spins or real money. They are often time-limited and cannot be used after expiration. They can also come with match or welcome package requirements, so check the terms and conditions before you start playing. However, keep in mind that not every sportsbook or casino offers the same sign-up bonus.

Security measures to take

There are a number of security measures you can take to ensure that your data is kept private when you play casino games online. First and foremost, you should always use a VPN. A VPN allows you to change your location and IP address to make it impossible for anyone to track your browsing activities. Another security measure is to use strong passwords. These are a combination of lower and upper-case letters that are unrelated to your personal information. You can use password managers or free browser extensions to help you with this.

How to Analyze a Poker Table

Before you can begin playing poker, you should know how to analyze a table. The “flop” is the initial reveal of the cards. This reveals the total number of cards that each player has, which includes two personal cards and five community cards. Once you’ve received the flop, you’ll have seven cards in total, which you must analyze. You can draw replacement cards, but this typically happens during or after a betting round. The “high card” is a card that breaks ties.

High card is used to break ties

In the game of poker, the high card is used to break ties. When three of a kind or a pair of twos are tied, the highest ranking card wins. A straight is a sequence of two cards with the same rank that does not include a wraparound. Two pairs are not considered ties, unless they are all of the same suit. High card is used to break ties, as well.

Five of a kind is the highest possible hand in poker

In poker, five of a kind is the highest possible hand. To be considered a five of a kind, your hand must include two aces and one king. If you have more than one five of a kind hand, the higher card wins. If you don’t have a five of a kind hand, you’ll probably have to settle for a pair.

Five of a kind beats five queens

The five-card hand of a flush is considered the best in poker when all the cards are of the same suit. A flush can consist of any five cards, but they don’t have to be in a straight line or sequence. For example, a five-card heart flush beats a straight line made of five aces. Also, in poker, the higher the five-card flush, the better the hand is.

Five of a kind beats five kings

If you’re a newbie to the game of poker, you may find it confusing to understand which hands beat each other. If you don’t understand the rules, here are some basic examples. Five of a kind is the best hand you can have. However, if you have more than one five of a kind hand, you can still win. If you have five of a kind, the higher card wins. For example, four 10s, two queens, and three wild cards are all five of a kind.

Five of a kind beats five aces

There are a few ways to beat five of a kind in poker. The first and most obvious way is to get a royal flush. A royal flush consists of five cards in a row, all of the same suit. This hand beats a straight flush because it has at least one ace in it. The next best hand to beat a royal flush is a straight, which is the highest five of a kind possible.