Important Tips For Poker Beginners


Before you play a game of poker, you should know some basic rules. Some of these include Betting intervals, Splitting and opening hands, and Tie hands. This article will discuss these basic rules. If you are not familiar with poker rules, you can read more about them here. Listed below are some of the most important tips for poker beginners. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.

Rules of poker

The basic rules of Poker are very simple. A player with a high hand wins the pot. In addition, a player with a low hand loses the pot. During betting rounds, only one player may reveal their hole cards to other players, except the winner. The highest-ranking hand wins the pot, regardless of the bet size. There are many variations of this game. You can find a variety of high-quality versions of poker games online.

Betting intervals

Betting intervals in poker games vary depending on the variation and the number of players. Generally, the first player to act places a bet, and the rest of the players must raise in proportion to that player’s contribution. This process continues until the last player remains, and the winning player is determined by the amount of chips in the pot at all betting intervals. However, betting intervals in poker games can be shorter or longer than you might expect.

Splitting openers

In draw poker, splitting openers is a strategy used by players to exchange two cards and gain a stronger hand. For example, a player holding a pair of jacks may want to make a straight or flush. If the dealer does not agree to split an opening hand, the player may place the discarded cards underneath his chip, allowing him to exchange two of the cards for a stronger hand. It’s important to remember that the dealer may refuse to split an opening hand if the player does not reveal a split.

Tie hands

There are various situations in poker where a tie may occur, including a hand where two players have the same five-card combination but different suits. Two people might have two pairs of sevens, and a tie could occur when one of them has the higher pair. In such a case, the person with the higher pair wins. Pairs of twos and threes may also cause ties, but if both players have the same card values, the tie is broken by the higher pair. Certain board textures increase the odds of a tie, which is the case in most games.

Limit games

Limit games in poker are divided into two types. No-limit games and pot-limit games are the two most common types of limit games. It is important to understand the differences between these two types of games before starting to play. The most important thing to remember is to play within your own betting range. If you play too much, you may lose more money than you earn. In this situation, betting for value is key. Also, it is important to consider playing the best player early in the game.


When making a bet, you should consider your opponents’ strength and position. Bluffing can be very effective if you have a strong hand, but it can also backfire if you have a weak one. If you play slowly, you can make your opponent think that you are holding a weak hand when you are not. This strategy can inflate a pot and give you time to improve your hand. Bluffing requires some skill, but if done correctly, it can give you the edge in poker.

Rumput Tetangga Memang Selalu Kelihatan Lebih Hijau

Pada suatu ketika saya melihat teman kantor begitu gembira karena dia baru saja berhasil interview tahap paket di perusahaan baru,  begitu sumringah mendapatkan kenaikan gaji yang luar biasa sebagai orang yang berposisi sebagai senior Iya memberikan wejangan jangan lama-lama di tempat sekarang buat batu loncatan aja deh katanya.

Beberapa tahun kemudian saya mendengar berita yang kurang baik teman saya mengalami demosi di kantor baru diturunkan jabatannya karena performanya yang tidak mencapai ekspektasi pakan pada akhirnya dia sampai kehilangan pekerja.

Tidak perform?  memang permasalahan bisa terjadi karena individunya tapi terkadang permasalahan bisa juga terjadi kepada perusahaan tersebut dan yang terjadi pada kolega saya ini karena kantornya perusahaan asing yang baru masuk di Indonesia namun tidak bisa bersaing sehingga ketika gagalnya hal tersebut maka hal tersebut jika menjadi kegagalan bagi karyawan karyawan mereka.

Ketika berbicara karir kita tidak saja perlu untuk mampu menilai diri kita sebagai profesional namun juga menilai posisi perusahaan saat ini apakah perusahaan dalam kondisi Sunset industry yang terus menurun atau perusahaan baru yang belum memiliki bisnis yang stabil.

Misal saja dulu ketika awal kelahiran startup di Indonesia zamannya dealkeren banyak lahir start-up yang dipotong fresh graduate font dari pemodal membuat para staf ini berlomba-lomba membesarkan perusahaannya sementara saat itu sumber daya manusia berpengalaman sangatlah terbatas sehingga mengakibatkan terjadi banyak bajakan karyawan dengan offering yang fantastis .

Namun ketika kita berbicara saat ini hanya sedikit dari para staf tersebut yang mampu bertahan akibatnya kegagalan perusahaan ini menjadi kegagalan karyawan-karyawannya yang harus dibayar dengan kehilangan pekerjaan 

Memang yang paling oke dalam pencapaian kenaikan karir yang paling cepat adalah kalau kita bertemu dengan perusahaan yang juga sedang meroket tapi kan kita tidak bisa seperti itu dalam memilih tahunya kita juga tidak tahu pasti Perusahaan mana yang memiliki momentum seperti itu 

Oleh karena itu kita berpikir untuk pindah kerja jangan hanya silau dengan kenaikan gajinya saja memang benar Rumput Tetangga Memang jauh lebih hijau apalagi kalau di tim dengan kenaikan gaji yang sangat besar dan kenaikan jabatan tetapi jangan sampai hal tersebut membuat kita menutup mata pada kondisi perusahaan tersebut salah salah malah bisa terjebak pada kapal yang mau karam